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St. Louis, MO, United States
It is my passion and my life’s mission to embrace the opportunity to develop, mentor and motivate individuals into recognizing their inherent abilities then utilizing those abilities to produce an empowering, purposeful life.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Be The Best You

There are 1440 minutes in each and every day, no more, no less. You have each minute to use with wisdom and grace or to squander asleep at the wheel of your destiny’s drive. How is it that one person can wake up in the morning (on time), press forward toward perfection and promise, meet their daily goals and end the day with a sense of accomplishment; while another will sleep the day away, wake up, stretch and all the while wondering “where did the day go?” Eight to 80, blind, crippled or crazy, all you get is 1440. Minutes cannot be borrowed, bought, stolen, nor stored up. They can merely be used or abused. The choice is ultimately yours. The true measure of success is how those minutes are spent.

Let’s establish that you must sleep, so allot 6 hours for that (no not 8 hours; remember, you are trying to get to your goal. Sleep gets sacrificed.) That will be 360 minutes. Now, allow 8 hours for work; that’s 480 minutes. This leaves you 600 minutes. I am sure it seems like a lot, but in a blink of an eye it can all be gone. Bathroom breaks, eating; moving from point A to B will take another 3 hours or 180 minutes. Now you have 220 minutes to make your daily dreams come true.
This is where all the trouble begins. This is the moment when excuses become time killers and dream “diverters.” “I’m tired, I can catch up tomorrow.” “I don’t have enough time to finish what I have to do.”  Let’s be real. There are no excuses for not making the best of every day. “Excuses are the tool of incompetence, they build a monument of nothing, and those that specialize in them are seldom good for anything but excuses, excuses, excuses.” I have spoken and lived by this for years. 

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